Of course my outdoors skills have improved from all of the new knowledge and practice I had throughout the semester. But all of that isn't what i'll remember when I look back on this adventure...
I've learned many things about community and how friendships develop. This was the first time in many years that I was in a situation where I started out without knowing anyone else.
I learned a heck of a lot about the environment and my deep care for keeping the woods wild has been solidified in my mind.
I learned that there are so many different things in the world to see and do. And I learned that I want to live a life of seeing and doing those things. Life on our planet is exciting and I don't want to miss much of it duiring my time here!
NOLS was a fabulous experience. I love the school and highly recommend that others have an adventure of their own with them, no matter their experience or age!
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