I left yesterday morning with 2 bulging duffel bags weighing down my mom's prius and a little sadness from saying goodbye to my sister, dad, and girlfriend Caroline. My mom started out the drive on 35-S until we hit 90-W. Then it was 550 nearly straight miles though the plains of Minnesota and South Dakota to Rapid City, South Dakota. Today we'll continue west for 7 hours to Lander, Wyoming and the beginning of my National Outdoor Leadership School course!
During the course - Fall Semester in the Rockies - I will spend 4, 3-week sections in the Rocky Mountains backpacking, rock climbing, canyoning, and backcountry skiing. The group will consist of 12 guys between the ages of 17 and 19 and 3-5 leaders. At least, that's what I think I'll be doing. The only way to find out is to get on the road!
And let's note that the little Prius did a mighty fine job navigating it's way more than 2000 miles to/from Lander. It was a splendid adventure for the Prius and me! I am so glad that I can picture where your NOLS base is Christopher - Wyoming is a beautiful part of the country.